E.C Boss Advised to ensure smooth elections.

EC BossThe Centre for Local Governance Advocacy (CLGA) has congratulated the new Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, with a call on her to adopt measures to prevent challenges in the upcoming District Assembly and Unit Committee Elections. “In welcoming the new EC boss, the Centre would like to draw the attention of the Chairperson to experiences from the 2010 District Level Elections which needs to be avoided in the upcoming 1st September 2015 District Assembly and Unit committee elections,” a statement from the Center said. – See more at: http://citifmonline.com/2015/07/04/ensure-smooth-distict-assembly-election-group-to-ec-boss. The statement which was signed by the Acting Executive Director of the CLGA, Dr. Vladimir Antwi Danso, explained that the EC boss is being cautioned in advance to allow her “put in place adequate systems to prevent unnecessary prolonging of the elections beyond September 1st in what became known as organizing it ‘tot by tot’ during the 2010 elections.” The advocacy group further advised the EC to ensure that election materials and other logistics are sent to polling stations on time. They further drew her attention to “the growing politicization of campaign processes of District assembly Elections advising the Commission to “as a matter of urgency take bold steps to curb this unpleasant situation.” “The EC is encouraged to be fearless in cracking the whip to ensure compliance with all regulations covering District and Unit Level Elections.” Background The EC in 2014 postponed the District Level elections several times because of several constraints including financial challenges, which was later sorted out by government. March 3 was thus set as the day for the Election. – See more at: http://citifmonline.com/2015/07/04/ensure-smooth-distict-assembly-election-group-to-ec-boss.

However, in February 2015, the Supreme Court canceled the elections describing it as “unconstitutional” after an aspiring assemblyman sued the EC. The aspiring assemblyman, Benjamin Eyi Mensah contended that he was denied the opportunity to file his nomination forms despite meeting all conditions but the EC closed nominations before the maturation of the Constitutional Instrument (CI) 85 meant to give legal backing to the election. The EC later sent to Parliament a new legislation (C.I) 89 to enable it re-organize the Elections. The (C.I) 89, matured on June 10, 2015. Meanwhile, the EC has set September 1, for the District Assembly and Unit Committee elections. – See more at: http://citifmonline.com/2015/07/04/ensure-smooth-distict-assembly-election-group-to-ec-boss.

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